Navigating the Azure Portal: Best Practices for New Users (Part 1)

Essential Tips for New Users to Efficiently Navigate the Azure Portal

Azure is packed with tools, services, and features that can help you manage your cloud resources efficiently, but learning how to navigate it effectively is key. If you’re starting to explore the Azure portal, it can feel overwhelming at first. This guide will cover some of the best practices to help new users find their way around, manage resources, and get the most out of Azure.

Setting Up an Azure Subscription

  • To begin using Azure services through the portal, you’ll first need to set up a subscription. An Azure subscription manages the details of your resources, including associated costs. To create a new subscription, go to the Subscriptions page in the portal and click the Add button.
You have two options:
  • A free trial that allows you to explore Azure services with no initial cost.
  • Pay-As-You-Go option that only charges based on the services you consume.

Once you select your plan, provide your billing details. After completing the setup, your subscription will appear in your account, enabling you to create and interact with Azure resources and services.


  • When you first access the Azure portal or click the Home button, you’ll be directed to the homepage. This is the central hub where you’ll find key topics related to your Azure subscription.

The homepage features shortcuts to core services, documentation, learning resources, mobile apps, and more. It’s designed to help you quickly navigate to essential tools and services in Azure.

Azure Portal Header

The Azure portal header is a constant navigation bar visible on every page within the portal. It includes:

  • A clickable logo that acts as a shortcut to return to the homepage.
  • This allows you to search for existing resources or discover new services.

On the right-hand side, you’ll find the Global Controls, which contain:

  • Azure Cloud Shell – A command-line interface to interact with Azure services programmatically.
  • Notifications Pane – A history of recent interactions, such as resource creation or modifications.
  • Portal Settings – To customize your portal experience.
  • Azure Support – For contacting Microsoft’s support team regarding Azure-related issues.
  • Feedback Form – To rate and provide feedback on your experience with the Azure portal.

The Portal Menu and Favorites

  • The Portal Menu is your gateway to essential functionalities and your favorite resources within Azure. It allows you to create resources quickly, navigate to the homepage, access your dashboard, or browse through all available Azure services.

You have the flexibility to keep the menu docked for easy access at all times or to collapse it, freeing up space on your screen for other information. This adaptability ensures that you can customize your Azure experience according to your needs.

Resource MenuEssential Tips for New Users to Efficiently Navigate the Azure Portal

  • When working with Azure resources, you will encounter the Resource Menu, a secondary menu that provides all the necessary tools to interact with and gather information about your resources. This menu offers details regarding each resource, including its configuration, properties, integrations, and access to various tools and analytics.

The options presented in the Resource Menu vary depending on the type of resource you are working with. In some contexts, you might come across the term “blade,” which refers to the different menu options available within the Resource Menu. For instance, the Overview blade provides a snapshot of key information about a specific resource.

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